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Dom Edizioni

DOM Edizioni harnesses the expertise of Italy's finest craftsmen to fuel creativity. With a focus on delivering authentic luxury devoid of ostentation, DOM Edizioni elevates residential spaces, hotels, and yachts alike. Each furniture piece contributes to a cohesive vision, characterized by a blend of intense and effortless pleasure.

At Dom Edizioni

In the quest for beauty, meticulous attention to detail, and a relentless spirit of innovation, DOM Edizioni embodies the epitome of Italian craftsmanship. Inspired by the notions of luxury, tranquility, and sensual pleasure heralded by Baudelaire and Matisse, DOM Edizioni creates living spaces that epitomize elegance and sophistication. Rooted in a commitment to pure form and a harmonious blend of refined taste and bold individuality, the brand celebrates the rich heritage of Italian design. Guided by Domenico Mula's creative vision, each creation undergoes a journey of discovery, exploring the essence of its existence and envisaging its place within its surroundings. Drawing from a profound understanding of historical design principles and armed with a deep knowledge of design archives and traditions, every piece from DOM Edizioni emerges as a timeless testament to the allure of Italian craftsmanship.

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"design is something that is born inside of you"

Art Director

Dom Edizioni

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